Photograph taken by a journalist on september 2nd 2002, to accompany an interview for a newspaper. |
These four photographs were taken during the photo shoot on december 27th 2002. The top-left photograph was used for the frontcover and the three right photographs were used for the backcover of the CD Trancefused (Electrance). | |
The photograph above-left was taken during the photo shoot on february 22nd 2003. The picture above-right shows the result after graphic processing. Note that the car in the background has been removed. This picture is used for the front- and backcover of the CD Canvas (Beudeker/Knetsch). | |
These three photographs were taken during the photo shoot on may 4th 2003. The top-left photograph was used for the backcover of the CD City of fields (Novo sibirsk). The top-right photograph was used for the frontcover of the CD Goloka (Novo sibirsk). The left photograph was used for the backcover of the CD What about the past II (Knetsch). |