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Like through a window




Blue thing


Gallery of the world
Photo shoots - page 3
The year 2002

This page contains photographs taken at photo shoots in the year 2002.
Click on the image or the title of the CD's for more information.
Foto sessies - pagina 3
Het jaar 2002

Deze pagina bevat foto's die zijn genomen tijdens foto sessies in het jaar 2002.
Klik op de afbeelding of de titel van de CD's voor meer informatie.
The three photographs above were taken
during the photo shoot on may 4th 2002 and
were used for the backcover of the CD Like
through a window
(Novo sibirsk). The picture
on the right shows the result after processing.
The top-left photograph was also used for the
frontcover of the CD One (ROK).
These three photographs were taken
during the photo shoot on june 30th
2002. The two photographs above were
used for the front- and backcover of the
CD X, the photograph on the left was
used for the frontcover of the CD
Colonial (all Beudeker/Knetsch).
The photograph above-left was taken during the photo shoot on august 17th 2002.
The picture above-right shows the result after processing. It is used for the backcover
of the CD Blue thing (Electrance). This picture is also available as full-size poster.
Two partials of the photograph were used for the front- and backcover of the
CD's Fuel and Gallery of the world (ROK).
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