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Novo sibirsk Live

Sequences of
Live in Purmerend
September 26th 1990

This was the second concert of two concerts i performed together with drummer Hans van der Molen. It was held in "De kern" in the city Purmerend in The netherlands.

Three tracks were played during this concert: "Naiad", "In mediate rove" and "Sequences of barren".
"Sequences of barren" was composed especially for these concerts by Hans van der Molen and me.

The music is released on the CD's Novo sibirsk Live and Sequences of barren.
Live in Purmerend
26 September 1990

Dit was het tweede concert van twee concerten die ik samen met drummer Hans van der Molen heb uitgevoerd.
Dit was in jongerencentrum "De kern" in Purmerend.

Tijdens dit concert werden drie nummers gespeeld: "Naiad", "In mediate rove" en "Sequences of barren".
"Sequences of barren" was speciaal voor deze concerten door Hans van der Molen en mij gecomponeerd.

De muziek is uitgebracht op de CD's Novo sibirsk Live en Sequences of barren.
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