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Novo sibirsk Live

Sequences of
Live in The hague
April 21st 1990

This was the first concert of two concerts i performed together with drummer Hans van der Molen. It was performed in the basement of a church in the city The hague in The netherlands. The concert was organised by Phlox electronic and fusion music.

Three tracks were played during this concert: "Naiad", "In mediate rove" and "Sequences of barren".
"Sequences of barren" was composed especially for these concerts by Hans van der Molen and me.

The music is released on the CD's Novo sibirsk Live and Sequences of barren.
Four of the photographs were taken at the rehearsals for "Sequences of barren". The other photographs were taken at the concert. There is also a picture of the sheetmusic for Hans.
Live in Den haag
21 april 1990

Dit was het eerste concert van twee concerten die ik samen met drummer Hans van der Molen heb uitgevoerd. Dit concert werd gehouden in de kelder van een kerk in Den haag. Het concert was georganiseerd door Phlox electronic and fusion music.

Tijdens dit concert werden drie nummers gespeeld: "Naiad", "In mediate rove" en "Sequences of barren".
"Sequences of barren" was speciaal voor deze concerten door Hans van der Molen en mij gecomponeerd.

De muziek is uitgebracht op de CD's Novo sibirsk Live en Sequences of barren.
Vier foto's zijn genomen tijdens de repetities van "Sequences of barren". De overige foto's zijn genomen tijdens het concert. Er is ook een afbeelding van de partituur voor Hans.
Above: four photographs taken at the rehearsal sessions prior to the concert.
In the bottom-left potograph there's a CRT monitor.
This is connected to a Bondwell 12 CP/M computer, which was used to time the music.
These three photographs were taken
at the concert. Top-left shows the
soundcheck. Also in this picture: our
sound engineer Frank Vierstra.

Sheetmusic for the percussion part
of the track "Sequences of barren".
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